Johansson And Speckmann are a duo that has teamed up with the former being known for his work in Paganizer and Human Delete with the later being known for Master, Abomination and Krabathor with the music style on this recording being old school death metal which was released under the album title "Sulphur Skies" by Vic Records during the year of 2013.
Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with only a small amount of blast beats, while the bass playing has a very dark tone with riffs that follow the riffing that are coming out of the guitars.
Rhythm guitars range from s low, mid paced to fast death metal riffs that are very heavy and old school sounding with some thrash influences being thrown into the riffing, while the lead guitars are very old school and dark sounding death metal guitar solos and leads.
Vocals a re mostly deep death metal growls that h ave some thrash influences to them, while the lyrics cover darkness and gore themes, as for the production it has a very strong, powerful, heavy, old school and professional sound to it.
In my opinion this is a great sounding album from Johansson And Speckmann and if you are a fan of old school death metal, you should check out this recording. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Spiritual Wasteland" "Rotten Lands" "The Wretched Mann" and "The Stench Of Mankind". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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