Judgement Day where a band from the Netherlands that played a mixture of death and thrash metal in the beginning but started playing more brutal death emtla towards the end and this is a review of t heir 1994 album "Circumcision Of The Martyr" which was re-issued by Vic Records in the year of 2013 and also contains their 2000 ep "Gothcrusher".
"Horror Pain" begins with some sound effects and spoken word samples and a minute later heavy guitar and bass riffs start coming into the song along with some drums which lead up to some death metal growls and screams as well as the guitar riffing utilizing some melody before bringing in guitar leads that come in and out of the song and halfway through the song bass leads are added in certain sections bringing an early technical death metal feeling to the song as well as mixing in some blast beats. and towards the end the guitar leads start getting a lot more melodic sounding.
"Daily Rituals" begins with some heavy guitar and bass riffs along with some blast beats and a small amount of guitar leads before the growls start kicking in which also leads up to some melodic guitar riffing and screams as well as mixing in both slow and fast parts and towards the end there are some primitive solos being utilized.
"The Old Tree" begins with some melodic guitar riffing before getting heavier and adding in some bass guitars and drums along with some melodic guitar leads before getting faster and adding in blast beats, growls, and screams while also slowing down in certain sections of the song and as time moves on by there is a brief use of melodic female clean singing vocals as well as classical guitars being added in certain parts.
"Sexual Intercourse" begins with a bass lead and porno film samples along with some drums before adding in some heavy and melodic guitar riffs which also lead up to some screams and growls as well as going into a faster direction and after awhile guitar leads and solos come into the song along with the music slowing down in certain sections.
"Invincible Downfall" begins with dark and melodic sounding guitar and bass riffs along with some drums and a few seconds alter the music starts getting heavier and faster along with some blast beats before the screams and growls start kicking in before slowing down again and after awhile t he music starts utilizing thrash elements in certain sections of the song as well as a brief use of synths before returning back to a faster direction which leads up to the music going for a mid paced direction but making returns to the faster parts at times.
"Clouds Of Mordor" begins with some synths and sword fighting before adding in some heavy guitar and bass riffs along with some drums which leads up to some growls, screams, blast beats and back up shouts before slowing down and adding in technical elements before getting fast again and then make moves back and forth between slow and fast parts.
"Pathology Of Crowding" begins with some melodic guitar and bass riffs along with some drums, synths, screams and growls and after awhile the music starts getting a little bit more heavier and faster along with some blast beats and then switching back and forth between slow and fast parts and towards the end there is a brief use of guitar solos and leads being utilized.
"Near Death Experience" begins with some sound effects before adding in some heavy and brutal guitar riffs and blast beats which lead up to some deep death metal growls and after awhile some melody is added into the guitar riffing as well as a mixture of slow and fast parts which also leads up to some high pitched screams and melodic guitar solos and leads which also utilize some brutal elements.
"A Soul So Pure" begins with some heavy and brutal guitar and bass riffs along with some drums and growls before going into a faster direction and adding in some blast beats and melodic guitar riffing and after awhile t here is a mixture of slow and fast parts.
"2012 AD" begins with some fast, heavy and brutal guitar riffs along with some blast beats from the drums and deep growls and after awhile some melody is added into certain sections of the guitar riffing along with a mixture of slow and fast parts.
"Obliterate" begins with some heavy and melodic guitar riffs along with some drums before adding in some deep growls and then the music goes into a mid paced direction and halfway through the song the music goes into a faster direction along with some brutal blast beats.
"Final Judgement" begins with heavy guitar riffs and drums as well as some deep growls and blast beats and after awhile high pitched screams are added into the song along with a mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts as well as some melody being thrown into the guitar riffing at times and towards the end the bass guitar utilizes more power before adding in some solos and leads.
"March Of The Apocalypse" begins with some dark and heavy sounding guitar riffing and drums and the song is all instrumental with no vocals being present.
Song lyrics cover dark and metaphysical themes, while t he production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording along with some of the songs being very long and epic in length.
In my opinion Judgement Day where a very great sounding death metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this compilation. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Horror Pain" "The Old Tree" "2012 AD" and "Final Judgement". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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