Konkeror are a band from Detroit, Michigan that plays a very progressive form of death metal and this is a review of their 2014 album "The Abysmal Horizons" which was released by Lacerated Enemy Records.
Acoustic guitars along with melodic guitar leads start off the album with the music going into a heavier direction a few seconds alter as well as adding in a good amount of melody before speeding up and adding in brutal blast beats and death metal growls and they also utilize a great amount of thrash influences.
The guitar leads are in a very melodic and technical sounding direction and they also add in high pitched screams into certain sections of the recording and on some of the alter tracks acoustic guitars make their return which then take the music into a more atmospheric and progressive death metal direction.
On some of t he alter tracks angry shouts are added into the music along with small amounts of demonic voices and avant garde synths are added in briefly on one track and the band also has a sound that is close to black metal for a few seconds and the album gets more diverse and epic as time goes on by while also always remaining very heavy and melodic all at the same time.
Konkeror create a very diverse dearth metal album that combine s the brutal and progressive sides of the genre together as well as adding in a good amount of melody and old school influences while also still sounding very modern, the production is very professional sounding and the lyrics cover Occultism, Philosophy, Mythology, Religion and Space.
In my opinion Konkeror are a very great sounding progressive death metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should c heck out this recording. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "I, Monolithic" "Incantations" "The Pillars of Creation" and "Cenotaph" which is a Bolt thrower cover. 8/5 out of 10.
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